[deprecated] – 1.4.0 Beta release wowza_live_charts
Today i made my first release of the wowza live charts scripts. I added it on github, so you’re free to try it out.
I had to update the scripts to be used for Wowza 4.0.x so its NOT reverse compatible with wowza 3.x anymore
Im not a programmer, so its not wise to use it in a production environment. Its the first functional release from what i thought could be a first release.
I don’t have any clue about java or advanced programming, but mostly i get the results i want, but im sure there are faster ways or better ways to do it. And i wanted to use php and see how far i could get without the use of plugin or modules on a wowza server.
I haven’t worked with GitHub before, so that’s also a challenge to see how i’m doing with that 😉
You can find it here:
Some demo images:
All incoming and outgoing streams of the Vhost:
Incoming and outgoing traffic and connections per application:
wiki page still has to be updated, also the exact installation documentation. But hey, its a first release :D, was working on it for a long time on and off and picked it up again this week. i quite stripped the complete project because i got a bit lost (i made all kinds of upgrades to it, but hadn’t tested them yet)
currently im working on: live charts but also long term logging
– GeoIP, more usage of database settings and configurations.
– JWPlayer template settings
– Highcharts config pages
– Building a control panel around it based on users/customers
– Advanced logging (history logging in wowza)
– dumping logfiles with curl to a webserver over ftp
– extracting the logfiles, clean up old logfiles
– and more to come