RPA Buddies – Part #004
This week i started with the setup of the hardware and creating a network design which will be upgrade or changed the upcoming weeks. For now i needed a starting point.
The main part was reconfiguring the network for the “homelab” integration. An overview of the hardware and network diagram is scheduled for over 2 days to go live in a new blogpost. The weekly blog posts i mostly will use to give updates. If i want to dive deeper into topics i will create separate blog posts for them
Fase 1 – done
i setup the VLANS on the routerX and decided to skip the router setup for the Edgepro for now. I will configure it until i will start with VLAN30 which i will setup as a public platform. For now it is overkill to run this router.
Fase 2 – done
Updated the firmware to the latest ones on both the routers.
Fase 3 in progress
19inch Rack configuration and cable management. I have a custom network rack where everything fits in. The cables are just plugged in to get everyhing working first. Later on i will do some cable management and show some pictures in another blogpost.
So far. The network setup took me more time than i anticipated
On to the next sprint