Author: maca


RPA Buddies – Part #006

In my previous blog i have setup the UiPath cloud platform. Because i want to document the (most) steps i do on the website, i also decided to start making video’s. The issue i...


RPA Buddies – Part #005

The last blogpost was already a couple of weeks ago. In the meantime i have done quite some work Network: Network configuration ready VLAN setup changed and reconfigured Setup the Edgerouter Pro from when...

RPA Buddies 0

Hardware for the homelab

In previous projects i was always limited to the hardware or networking, so this time i decided to setup a network design first. From that point the setup can grow, but will also be...


RPA Buddies – Part #004

This week i started with the setup of the hardware and creating a network design which will be upgrade or changed the upcoming weeks. For now i needed a starting point.  The main part...


RPA Buddies – Part #003

In this 3rd sprint (which ends this week) i wanted to do some checking and preconfiguration on the hardware. I have a dedicated serverrack for the hardware of this “homelab”. I will add some...


RPA Buddies – Part #002

Already part 2 of the series. I’m almost done with sprint 2 which will end friday night. I had to do some research on how i want to setup my operations dashboard, so i...


Start of RPA Buddies – Part #001

Start of my new project RPA Buddies Last year i decided it was time for a new (mega) project where i would be busy with the next coming months and hopefully years. I will...