Wowza 3.x – RTMPAuthenticate

To be able to secure your incoming (publish) stream to Wowza Media Server  you can use the module RTMP Authenticate. This will prevent that other people can use/hack your stream.

In this tutorial i will assume that you already know how to setup a new application



  • existing application
  • file /conf/publish.password

We are going to do some copy-pasting :D. We have to place the module inside the Application.xml. Add this module as the last entry in the module section (sample will be included in the end of this tutorial)


Now all you have to is set a username and password. Open the file /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/conf/publish.password and place the username and password that you desire

# Publish password file (format [username][space][password])
# username password
myuser mypassword

#stream live
live  12345

#stream 2
stream2 67890

Save the file en restart Wowza

#: /etc/init.d/WowzaMediaServer restart or #: service WowzaMediaServer restart

Now when you connect your stream to the wowza server you have to provide a username and password. Use the same credentials from the publish.password file.

#Note: that the user credentials from stream1 also work for stream2. You can use comment tags in your publish.password file to separate user credentials.

publish stream: rtmp://<ip-address>:<port>/<stream-name>

Sample of the Application.xml module section

                                <Description>Client Logging</Description>




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