Maca's Blog Blog

Enecsys Dashboard V4.0 – LIVE

Update december 12, 2017 I released an upgrade on the complete installation. The dashboard and installation now supports the latest Raspbian release (Raspbian Stretch), the code is compatible with php7 and i did some...


Upgrade Wowza 4.4.x to 4.5.0

I made some posts before about the upgrade process. I decided to create a new post on it. Release Notes 4.5.0: Download package: You need a wowza acccount now (Don’t worry its free)...


Wowza StreamingEngine 4.x Installation

Update July 1st, 2020 I created Complete installers for Wowza Installations. I maintain them on my github page: Update april 26, 2018 The java url isnt a permanent url, it probably will get...


Enecsys Image for pvoutput V2.0

update May 11 2017 I dont support the complete images anymore. I made a new installer which can be found on my github page: The installation documentation is included in the INSTALL directory...


Wowza Dashboard 1.1

I just released a new version of the Wowza Dashboard. You can find it on Github. More info can be found there. #Version 1.1 – added detailed info of a application (extraction of...


Wowza Dashboard 1.0

I finally got it together to launch my first stable release of the rebuild i did on the wowza live charts. The plan was to fix it first for mobile versions and with less...


Upgrade Wowza 4.0.x to 4.3.x

Update Nov 18 2015. New upgrade process. This tutorial will show how to upgrade wowza to a newer version based on the update process wowza has provided.


Wowza 3.x – RTMPAuthenticate

To be able to secure your incoming (publish) stream to Wowza Media Server  you can use the module RTMP Authenticate. This will prevent that other people can use/hack your stream. In this tutorial i...