Rollback Update 4.0.3 to 4.0.0

This tutorial will show how to do a rollback of a just updated WowzaStreamingEngine installed on a Ubuntu Server System

This tutorial is a follow up on the article about the update process
Reference Guide:

You only want to do a rollback if your update process has failed for some reason.

Step1: update directory

go to your commandline and go the update directory and to the linux update location

# cd /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/updates/WowzaStreamingEngine-Update-4.0.3/linux

Step2: execute rollback 

Execute the rollback command:

# ./ -u

If you haven’t stopped your services first you will receive this notification:

Verifying running as administrative user
Verifying Java 1.6 or greater is available
Locating installation directory
Wowza Streaming Engine appears to be running. Please stop it before continuing.

 Step3: stop all wowza services

Also the note here that you have to stop your services first. Stop the ServerEngineManager and the ServerEngine at once

#  service WowzaStreamingEngine stop
#  service WowzaStreamingEngineManager stop

Run Step2 again

You will see this notification:

Verifying running as administrative user
Verifying Java 1.6 or greater is available
Locating installation directory
Running Wowza Streaming Engine update installer

This will uninstall Wowza Streaming Engine 4.0.3 - Build 10989 from your system.

The update will be removed from your installation at: /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.0.0

Detected operating system: linux
Found back up file:
This will restore from backup: /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.0.0/updates/backup/
This will restore to version: Wowza Streaming Engine - Build 10425
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)

Are you sure you want to continue?: Y

And a final message that the rollback is complete:

This will restore from backup: /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.0.0/updates/backup/
Restoration complete.

Step3: restart services

So the restore should be complete and its time to restart our services again. Make sure to first start the StreamingEngineManager

# service WowzaStreamingEngineManager start
# service WowzaStreamingEngine start

 Step4: check browser

Ok. lets check the server message in your browser: https://<ipaddress>:1935

Prior my rollback this was the message:

Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Developer Edition (Expires: Aug 13, 2014) 4.0.3 build10989

and now after the rollback

Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Developer Edition (Expires: Aug 13, 2014) build10425

So thats a good message. The rollback has been completed.

Note: first thing i noticed when logging back in, i couldn’t see my applications. (it looked like a new install). Press F5 to solve this problem. It might be a cache problem of your browser. Im not sure what is causing this.

My incoming stream automaticly reconnected again. So in this case i can say i had a successfull rollback



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10 years ago

[…] Check the Rollback scenario […]