Wowza 4.x – SecureUrlParams
In Wowza Media Server 3.5 there is an extra module already build in which can be used to Secure incoming rtmp streams to the server to prevent unauthorized streams. Some encoders aren’t able to use the user and password settings. I was curious if this module could be added in Wowza Streaming Engine 4. 0
Below is a small tutorial how to achieve this.
I assume you are already logged into the Enginemanager and have setup a basic live application
My server ip:
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 – 64bit / Java 7
The 12345.doPublish: the 12345 can be changed to any password you want it to be.
Stream url in encoder before Module add:
Streamurl in encoder after Module add:
My streamname in JWPlayer & vlc remain the same:
VLC: rtsp://
Just follow the images and you should be fine